Lists of sanctions
17.09.2024 05:20:30

Lists of sanctions

Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 05.09.2024. United Nations - 22.05.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 16.09.2024., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 10.09.2024., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 04.09.2024.

Latest documents: The European Union: 2024.09.13. 2024/2456 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2024.09.13. | United Kingdom: 2024.09.10 | Canada: 2024.08.13
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Showing 261-280 of 1,536 items.
Showing 261-280 of 33,739 items.
#NameAddressTypeListProgramDate of publication
261#261 Name: Vadzim Ivanavich MAZOL
Vadim Ivanovich Mozol, Belarussian: Вадзім Иванавич Мазоль, Russian: Вадим Иванович Мозоль
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
262#262 Name: Aliaksandr Viktaravich ABASHYN
Belarussian: Аляксандр Абашын, Russian: Александр Викторович Абашин
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
263#263 Name: Inna Vladimirovna OLEKSINA
Инна Владимировна Олексина
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
264#264 Name: Vitaly Alekseyevich OLEKSIN
Виталий Алексеевич Олексин
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
265#265 Name: Denis Aleksandrovich MIKUSHEV
Денис Александрович Микушев
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
266#266 Name: Vyacheslav Ivanovich TULEYKO
Вячеслав Иванович Тулейко
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
267#267 Name: Igor Sergeyevich KABUSHEV
Игорь Сергеевич Кабушев
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
268#268 Name: Igor Vasilyevich KARPENKO
Игорь Васильевич Карпенко
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
269#269 Name: Grigory Yuryevich AZARYONOK
Григорий Юрьевич Азарёнок
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
270#270 Name: Lyudmila GLADKAYA
Людмила Гладкая
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
271#271 Name: Igor Petrovich TUR
Игорь Петрович Тур
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
272#272 Name: Ekaterina Vorobei SMUSHKOVICH
Katsiaryna or Katerina Smuschkovich, Ekaterina Varabei
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
273#273 Name: Ivan Ivanovich GOLOVATY
Иван Иванович Головатый
Ivan Golovatyi
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
274#274 Name: Anatoly Mechislavovich MARKEVICH
Анатолий Маркевич Мечиславович
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
275#275 Name: Valery Nikolaevich IVANOV
Валерий Николаевич Иванов
Valeri Nikolayevich Ivanov
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
276#276 Name: Aleksandr Grigoryevich VOLFOVICH
Александр Григорьевич Вольфович
Alexander Grigoreevich Volfovich
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
277#277 Name: Dmitry Aleksandrovich PANTUS
Дмитрий Александрович Пантус
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
278#278 Name: Viachaslau Yevgenyevich RASSALAI
Вячеслав Евгеньевич Россолай
Vgyacheslav Evgenyevich Rossolai
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
279#279 Name: Аlexey Ivanovich RIMASHEVSKIY
Алексей Иванович Римашевский
Aliaksei Rymasheuski
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
280#280 Name: Aliaksandr Petrovich VETENEVICH
Александр Петрович Ветеневич
Alexander Piatrovich Vetsenevich
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024