Lists of sanctions
18.09.2024 13:15:51

Lists of sanctions

Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 05.09.2024. United Nations - 22.05.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 16.09.2024., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 10.09.2024., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 04.09.2024.

Latest documents: The European Union: 2024.09.13. 2024/2456 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2024.09.16. | United Kingdom: 2024.09.10 | Canada: 2024.08.13
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Showing 1,501-1,520 of 1,536 items.
Showing 1,501-1,520 of 33,739 items.
#NameAddressTypeListProgramDate of publication
1501#1501 Name: Anatoly Alexandrovich VASSERMAN
Вассерман Анатолий Александрович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1502#1502 Name: Alexey Borisovich VELLER
Веллер Алексей Борисович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1503#1503 Name: Sergey Alekseevich VEREMEENKO
Веремеенко Сергей Алексеевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1504#1504 Name: Vasily Maksimovich VLASOV
Власов Василий Максимович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1505#1505 Name: Roman Mikhailovich VODIANOV
Водянов Роман Михайлович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1506#1506 Name: Ilia Svetoslavovich VOLFSON
Вольфсон Илья Светославович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1507#1507 Name: Andrey Viktorovich VOROBYOV
Воробьев Андрей Викторович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1508#1508 Name: Anatoly Vladimirovich VORONOVSKY
Вороновский Анатолий Владимирович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1509#1509 Name: Anatoly Borisovich VIBORNY
Выборный Анатолий Борисович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1510#1510 Name: Sergey Anatolievich GAVRILOV
Гаврилов Сергей Анатольевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1511#1511 Name: Abdulkhakim Kutbudinovich GADZHIEV
Гаджиев Абдулхаким Кутбудинович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1512#1512 Name: Murad Stanislavovich GADZHIEV
Гаджиев Мурад Станиславович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1513#1513 Name: Ruslan Gadzhievich GADZHIEV
Гаджиев Руслан Гаджиевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1514#1514 Name: Oleg Vladimirovich GARIN
Гарин Олег Владимирович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1515#1515 Name: Valery Karlovich GARTUNG
Гартунг Валерий Карлович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1516#1516 Name: Dzhamaladin Nabievich GASANOV
Гасанов Джамаладин Набиевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1517#1517 Name: Zaur Dalhatovich GEKKIEV
Геккиев Заур Далхатович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1518#1518 Name: Olga Mikhailovna GERMANOVA
Германова Ольга Михайловна
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1519#1519 Name: Anton Alexandrovich GETTA
Гетта Антон Александрович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
1520#1520 Name: Dinar Zagitovich GILMUTDINOV
Гильмутдинов Динар Загитович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024