Lists of sanctions
Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 10.03.2025. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 13.03.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 24.02.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 03.03.2025.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.13 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.13 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
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Showing 3,881-3,900 of 36,262 items.
# | Name | Address | Type | List | Program | Date of publication |
3881 | Sergey Anatolevich SERDYUKOV Сергей Анатольевич Сердюков | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3882 | Natalya Anatolevna SERDYUKOVA Наталья Анатольевна Сердюкова | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3883 | Evgeniya Nikolaevna VASILEVA Евгения Николаевна Васильева | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3884 | Alan Valeryevich LUSHNIKOV Алан Валерьевич Лушников | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3885 | Yan Valentinovich NOVIKOV Ян Валентинович Но́виков | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3886 | Sergey Viktorovich PITIKOV Сергей Викторович Питиков | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3887 | Alexander Vladimirovich DENISOV Александр Владимирович Денисов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3888 | Alexander Vladimirovich SMIRNOV Александр Владимирович Смирнов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3889 | Alexander Viktorovich KOCHKIN Александр Викторович Кочкин | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3890 | Vladimir Stepanovich ALEKSEEV Владимир Степанович Алексеев | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3891 | Tina KANDELAKI Тина Канделаки | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3892 | Melaniya Andreyevna KONDRAKHINA Мелания Андреевна Кондрахина | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3893 | Leontiy Andreyevich KONDRAKHIN Леонтий Андреевич Кондрахин | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3894 | Naila Vagif Kyzy ASKER-ZADE Наиля Вагиф кызы Аскер-заде | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3895 | Kirill Alekseevich KLEIMYONOV Кирилл Алексеeвич Клеймёнов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3896 | Andrei Olegovich KONDRASHOV Андрей Олегович Кондрашов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3897 | Vladimir Vladimirovich KORNILOV Владимир Владимирович Корнилов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3898 | Sergei Alexandrovich MIKHEEV Сергей Александрович Михеев | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3899 | Anatoly Alexandrovich KUZICHEV Анатолий Александрович Кузичев | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3900 | Olesya Alexandrovna LOSEVA Олеся Александровна Лосева | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |