Lists of sanctions
30.09.2024 15:17:59



Type Entity
List name European Union
Programs (1) IRN
Listed (1) 30.07.2024
Decision links (1) 29.07.2024, European Union's sanctions document (EN) Download 0.34 €

Names (3)

Full name/Name Cuideachta Leictreachais Kalaye
Full name/Name Raka
Description A department of EU-designated Kalaye Electric Company. Established in late 2006, it was responsible for the construction of the Uranium enrichment plant at Fordow (Qom).
Full name/Name Kalaye Villamosenergia-vállalat

Historical data

No records
Updated: 30.09.2024. 14:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.