Lists of sanctions
27.09.2024 04:11:50

Luis Lorenzo GOMEZ ARIAS


Type Individual
Gender Male
List name SDN (OFAC)
Programs (1) ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059
Date of publication 27.04.2023

Names (1)

Last name/Name GOMEZ ARIAS
First name/Name Luis Lorenzo
Full name/Name Luis Lorenzo GOMEZ ARIAS
Type Name

Citizenships (1)

Country Mexico

Addresses (1)

Street Portal Calimaya 662 Colonia Los Portales
City Ciudad De Puerto Vallarta
Country Mexico
Region Jalisco
Full address Portal Calimaya 662 Colonia Los Portales, Ciudad De Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

Birth data (1)


Identification documents (1)

Type Electoral Registry No.: GMARLS70020314H800
Country Mexico

Historical data

No records
Updated: 27.09.2024. 03:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.