Lists of sanctions
26.10.2024 03:04:48

Jorge Elieser Marquez Monsalve


Type Individual
Gender Male
List name United Kingdom
Programs (1) Venezuela
Listed (1) 30.06.2020

Names (1)

Last name/Name Marquez Monsalve
First name/Name Jorge
Second name/Name Elieser
Full name/Name Jorge Elieser Marquez Monsalve
Type Primary name
Description (1) Director General of CONATEL (2) Minister of the Office of the Presidency (3) Brigadier General of the National Guard

Citizenships (1)

Country VE

Addresses (1)

Country VE

Birth data (1)

Place Caracas
Country VE

Identification documents (1)

Type Individual National ID Number: V-8714253

Notes (3)

Director General of CONATEL, Minister of the Office of the Presidency, and a National Guard Brigadier General. As Director General of CONATEL, Venezuela’s telecommunications regulator, Marquez Monsalve has repeatedly repressed civil society and violated freedom of expression, thereby undermining democracy in Venezuela, by shutting down radio stations, blocking news portals online, and taking television channels off air. This has been done by CONATEL, led by Marquez Monsalve, in order to support the Maduro regime, stifle opposition, and hide corruption.
Director General of CONATEL, Minister of the Office of the Presidency, and a National Guard Brigadier General. As Director General of CONATEL, Venezuela’s telecommunications regulator, Marquez Monsalve has repeatedly repressed civil society and violated freedom of expression, thereby undermining democracy in Venezuela, by shutting down radio stations, blocking news portals online, and taking television channels off air. This has been done by CONATEL, led by Marquez Monsalve, in order to support the Maduro regime, stifle opposition, and hide corruption.
As Director General of CONATEL, Venezuela’s telecommunications regulator, Marquez Monsalve has repeatedly repressed civil society and violated freedom of expression, thereby undermining democracy in Venezuela, by shutting down radio stations, blocking news portals online, and taking television channels off air.This has been done by CONATEL, led by Marquez Monsalve, in order to support the Maduro regime, stifle opposition, and hide corruption.

Historical data

Names (2)

Status Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16)
Last name/Name Marquez Monsalve
First name/Name Jorge
Second name/Name Elieser
Full name/Name Marquez Monsalve Jorge Elieser
Type Prime alias
Description (1) Director General of CONATEL (2) Minister of the Office of the Presidency (3) Brigadier General of the National Guard
Status Historical (last time active at 29.01.2022 05:15)
Last name/Name Marquez Monsalve
First name/Name Jorge
Second name/Name Elieser
Full name/Name Marquez Monsalve Jorge Elieser
Type Prime alias
Description Director General of CONATEL

Citizenships (1)

Status Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16)
Country VE

Addresses (1)

Status Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16)
Country VE
Full address Venezuela

Birth data (1)

Status Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16)
Place Caracas
Country VE

Identification documents (1)

Status Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16)
Type National ID Number: V-8714253
Updated: 26.10.2024. 00:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.