Lists of sanctions
20.10.2024 02:19:38

Международный детский центр “Артeк”


Type Entity
List name European Union
Programs (1) UKR
Listed (1) 24.06.2024

Names (6)

Full name/Name Föderales staatlich finanziertes Bildungsinstitut, Internationales Kinderzentrum „Artek“
Full name/Name Instituția de învățământ bugetară a statului federal Centrul Internațional pentru Copii „Artek”
Full name/Name Международный детский центр “Артeк”
Full name/Name Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution International Children’s Centre “Artek”
Description The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “International Children’s Center Artek” is supporting materially actions, which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine
Full name/Name "Artek" Nemzetközi Gyermekközpont, állami költségvetésből finanszírozott szövetségi oktatási intézmény
Full name/Name Den føderale statslige budgetuddannelsesinstitution, International Children's Centre "Artek""

Addresses (1)

Street Leningradskaya street, building 41
Country UA
Region Yalta
Full address Leningradskaya street, building 41, Yalta, UKRAINE
Remark Hurzuf

Identification documents (1)

Type Registration Number: 9103003070
Country UA
Issue date 2

Historical data

No records
Updated: 20.10.2024. 01:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.