Lists of sanctions
21.12.2024 16:03:22

Bin XU


Type Individual
List name SDN (OFAC)
Programs (1) IRAN-EO13846
Date of publication 31.12.2019

Names (1)

Last name/Name XU
First name/Name Bin
Full name/Name Bin XU
Type Name

Citizenships (1)

Country China

Addresses (3)

Street 10-301 No. 888 Dongdaming Rd
City Shanghai
Country China
Postal code 2
Full address 10-301 No. 888 Dongdaming Rd, Shanghai, 200082, China
Street Suite 202, No. 10, Lane 888, East Da Ming Road
City Shanghai
Country China
Full address Suite 202, No. 10, Lane 888, East Da Ming Road, Shanghai, China
Street No. 7, Western Section, Dongfanghong Street Mudan District
City Heze
Country China
Region Shandong
Full address No. 7, Western Section, Dongfanghong Street Mudan District, Heze, Shandong, China

Birth data (2)

Place Heze, China
Country China

Identification documents (8)

Type National ID No.: 372901197604210416
Country China
Type Executive Order 13846 information:: FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Sec. 5(a)(ii)
Type Executive Order 13846 information:: BANKING TRANSACTIONS. Sec. 5(a)(iii)
Type Executive Order 13846 information:: BLOCKING PROPERTY AND INTERESTS IN PROPERTY. Sec. 5(a)(iv)
Type Executive Order 13846 information:: IMPORT SANCTIONS. Sec. 5(a)(vi)
Type Executive Order 13846 information:: EXCLUSION OF CORPORATE OFFICERS. Sec. 4(e)
Type Email Address:
Type Passport: E60816568
Country China

Historical data

No records
Updated: 21.12.2024. 15:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.