Lists of sanctions
28.09.2024 06:16:26

Removed: BELLIZOHistorical record: last active at 27.03.2024 18:15


Historical record: last active at 27.03.2024 18:15

Type Entity
List name SDN (OFAC)
Programs (1) ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059
Remark (Linked To: PEIJNENBURG, Alex Adrianus Martinus)
Date of publication 09.11.2022

Names (1)

Last name/Name BELLIZO
Full name/Name BELLIZO
Type Name

Addresses (1)

Street Huygensstraat 42 JM
City Boxtel
Country Netherlands
Postal code 5
Full address Huygensstraat 42 JM, Boxtel, 5283, Netherlands

Identification documents (3)

Type Organization Established Date: 01 Jan 2020
Type Website:
Type Trade License No.: 76856291
Country Netherlands

Historical data

No records
Updated: 28.09.2024. 05:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.