Lists of sanctions
14.03.2025 15:19:55



Type Individual
List name United Nations consolidated
Programs (1) CAR
Listed (1) 17.12.2015
Remark Gaye is a leader of the Front Populaire pour la Renaissance de Centrafrique (FPRC) (not listed) a marginalized ex-Seleka armed group in Bangui. He is also a leader of the so-called “Defense Committee” of Bangui’s PK5 (known as PK5 Resistance’ or ‘Texas’) (not listed), which extorts money from residents and threatens and employs physical violence. Gaye was appointed on 2 November 2014 by Nourredine Adam (CFi.002) as rapporteur of the political coordination of the FPRC. On 9 May 2014, the Security Council Committee established by resolution 2127 (2013) on CAR included Adam on its sanctions list. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:

Names (4)

First name/Name HAROUN
Second name/Name GAYE
Full name/Name HAROUN GAYE
Type Name
First name/Name Haroun Geye
Full name/Name Haroun Geye
Type Alias
Quality Good
First name/Name Aroun Gaye
Full name/Name Aroun Gaye
Type Alias
Quality Good
First name/Name Aroun Geye
Full name/Name Aroun Geye
Type Alias
Quality Good

Addresses (1)

City Bangui
Country Central African Republic
Full address Bangui, Central African Republic

Birth data (2)


Identification documents (1)

Type Passport: Central African Republic number O00065772
Remark letter O followed by 3 zeros), expires 30 Dec. 2019

Historical data

Names (1)

Status Historical (last time active at 07.02.2024 07:15)
Type Alias

Addresses (1)

Status Historical (last time active at 09.08.2023 08:15)
City Ndélé, Bamingui-Bangoran
Full address Ndélé, Bamingui-Bangoran
Updated: 14.03.2025. 14:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control and Canada subjects included in sanction list.
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