Lists of sanctions
29.09.2024 01:08:49

Alexander Gennadievich SIDYAKIN


Type Individual
Gender Male
List name United Kingdom
Programs (1) Russia
Listed (1) 29.09.2023

Names (2)

Last name/Name SIDYAKIN
First name/Name Alexander
Second name/Name Gennadievich
Full name/Name Alexander Gennadievich SIDYAKIN
Type Primary name
Description Head of the Central Executive Committee of United Russia
Full name/Name Сидякин Александр Геннадьевич
Type Non-Latin script
Remark Language: Russian

Citizenships (1)

Country Russian Federation

Birth data (1)

Place Segezha, Karelia
Country Russian Federation

Notes (1)

Alexander Gennadievich SIDYAKIN is an "involved person" under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 because he is or has been involved in destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine by being responsible for and supporting policies and actions which undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine; in his role as the head of the Central Executive Committee of United Russia, the largest political party in Russia, namely by being responsible for and supporting United Russia’s participation in unlawful Russian elections in temporarily-controlled Ukrainian territory.

Additional Financial sanction (1)

Type Lieguma noteikšanas datums
#1 Type: Trust services 29.09.2023

Historical data

No records
Updated: 29.09.2024. 00:16
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.