Lists of sanctions
11.03.2025 00:05:33



Type Individual
List name United Nations consolidated
Programs (1) Al-Qaida
Listed (1) 21.10.2013
Remark Trained in Afghanistan in the late 1980s with Al-Qaida (QDe.004) to make bombs. Former top military commander of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (QDe.003). Since 2011, established Muhammad Jamal Network (MJN) (QDe.136) and terrorist training camps in Egypt and Libya. Conducted MJN’s terrorist activities with support from Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) (QDe.129). Reported to be involved in the attack on the United States Mission in Benghazi, Libya, on 11 Sep. 2012. Headed Nasr City terrorist cell in Egypt in 2012. Linked to Aiman al-Zawahiri (QDi.006) and the leadership of AQAP and the Organization of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) (QDe.014). Arrested and imprisoned multiple times by Egyptian authorities since ca. 2000. Released in 2011 but re-arrested by Egyptian authorities in Nov. 2012. Imprisoned in Egypt pending trial as of Sep. 2013. Wife’s name is Samah ‘Ali Al-Dahabani (Yemeni national). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2253 (2015) was concluded on 21 Feb. 2019. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:

Names (17)

Last name/Name AL-KASHIF
First name/Name MUHAMMAD
Second name/Name JAMAL
Third name/Name ABD-AL RAHIM AHMAD
Type Name
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif
Type Alias
Quality Good
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al Kashef
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al Kashef
Type Alias
Quality Good
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Ahmad Al-Kashif
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Ahmad Al-Kashif
Type Alias
Quality Good
Type Alias
First name/Name Muhammad Gamal Abu Ahmed
Full name/Name Muhammad Gamal Abu Ahmed
Type Alias
Quality Low
First name/Name محمد جمال عبدالرحيم أحمد الكاشف
Full name/Name محمد جمال عبدالرحيم أحمد الكاشف
Type Original script
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Al-Kashif
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Al-Kashif
Type Alias
Quality Good
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abdu
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abdu
Type Alias
Quality Good
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal
Type Alias
Quality Good
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abu Ahmad
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abu Ahmad
Type Alias
Quality Low
Remark nom de guerre
First name/Name Abu Ahmad
Full name/Name Abu Ahmad
Type Alias
Quality Low
Remark nom de guerre
First name/Name Abu Jamal
Full name/Name Abu Jamal
Type Alias
Quality Low
Remark nom de guerre
First name/Name Mohammad Jamal Abdo Ahmed
Full name/Name Mohammad Jamal Abdo Ahmed
Type Alias
Quality Low
Remark nom de guerre
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abduh
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Abduh
Type Alias
Quality Low
Remark nom de guerre
First name/Name Muhammad Jamal Ahmad Abdu
Full name/Name Muhammad Jamal Ahmad Abdu
Type Alias
Quality Low
Remark nom de guerre
First name/Name Riyadh
Full name/Name Riyadh
Type Alias
Quality Low
Remark nom de guerre

Addresses (1)

Country Egypt
Full address Egypt

Birth data (2)

Place Cairo
Country Egypt

Identification documents (3)

Type Passport: 6487
Country Egypt
Issue date 1
Remark issued under name Muhammad Jamal Abdu
Country Egypt
Remark issued in 1993, under name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Ahmad Al-Kashif
Type Passport: 388181
Country Yemen
Remark issued under name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Al-Kashif

Historical data

Birth data (1)

Status Historical (last time active at 09.08.2023 08:15)

Identification documents (4)

Status Historical (last time active at 29.12.2021 05:15)
Country Egypt
Remark issued in 1993, under name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Ahmad Al-Kashif
Status Historical (last time active at 12.08.2023 07:15)
Country Egypt
Remark issued in 1993, under name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Ahmad Al-Kashif , ,
Status Historical (last time active at 12.08.2023 07:15)
Type Passport: 6487
Country Egypt
Issue date 1
Remark issued under name Muhammad Jamal Abdu , ,
Status Historical (last time active at 12.08.2023 07:15)
Type Passport: 388181
Country Yemen
Remark issued under name Muhammad Jamal Abd-Al Rahim Al-Kashif , ,
Updated: 10.03.2025. 23:15
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control and Canada subjects included in sanction list.