Lists of sanctions
13.01.2025 19:05:44

Lists of sanctions

Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 18.12.2024. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 13.01.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 10.01.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 10.01.2025.

Latest documents: The European Union: 2024.12.16. 2024/3174, 2024.12.16. 2024/3175, 2024.12.16. 2024/3182, 2024.12.16. 2024/3187 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.01.10 | United Kingdom: 2025.01.10, Russia, 2025.01.10, Venezuela, | Canada: 2025.01.09
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Showing 81-100 of 1,542 items.
Showing 81-100 of 35,517 items.
#NameAddressTypeListProgramDate of publication
81#81 Name: Mohammad Pakpur-IndividualEUIRN31.12.2019
82#82 Name: -EntityEUIRN31.12.2019
83#83 Name: -EntityEUIRN31.12.2019
84#84 Name:
Shetab Gaman
Norouzi Alley, No 2, Larestan Street, Motahar i Avenue, Teheran, UNKNOWNEntityEUIRN31.12.2019
85#85 Name: -EntityEUIRN31.12.2019
86#86 Name:
Iran Saffron
Iran Safron
Iran Saffron Co.
Iráni Sáfrány
Iráni Sáfrány Vállalat
Iransaffron Co.
87#87 Name: -EntityEUIRN31.12.2019
88#88 Name:
Gabinete de Cooperação Tecnológica da Presidência Iraniana
tal-Uffiċċju tal-President Iranjan
dar žinomas kaip Inovacijų ir technologijų centras
Irano prezidentūros technologinio bendradarbiavimo biuras
Κέντρο Καινοτομίας και Τεχνολογίας
Γραφείο Τεχνολογικής Συνεργασίας της Ιρανικής Προεδρίας
Biuro Współpracy w zakresie Technologii w gabinecie prezydenta Iranu
Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) under den iranske præsidents kontor
Център за иновации и технологии
Служба за сътрудничество в областта на технологиите към службата на иранския президент
Bureau de coopération technologique du Bureau du Président iranien
Center za inovacije in tehnologijo
innovatsiooni- ja tehnoloogiakeskus
Centro di innovazione e tecnologia
Center for Innovation and Technology
Urad za tehnološko sodelovanje urada iranskega predsednika
Iraani presidendi kantselei Technology Cooperation Office (TCO)
Úřad pro technologickou spolupráci (TCO) Kanceláře íránského prezidenta
Ufficio per la cooperazione tecnologica
Amt für technologische Zusammenarbeit
TCO of the Iranian President’s Office
Technology Cooperation Office of the Iranian President’s Office
Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) vid den iranske presidentens kansli
Centrul pentru inovare și tehnologie
Biroul de cooperare tehnologică al Biroului președintelui iranian
Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia
89#89 Name: -EntityEUIRN31.12.2019
90#90 Name:
Passive Defense Organization
91#91 Name: 1281 Valiasr Ave., Next to 14th St, Tehran, 15178, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)EntityEUIRN31.12.2019
92#92 Name: -EntityEUIRN31.12.2019
93#93 Name:
Ave. Sepahbod Gharani P.O. Box 15815/1775, Tehran, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
107 Sepahbod Gharani Avenue, Tehran, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
Ave. Sepahbod Gharani P.O. Box 15815/3446, Tehran, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
94#94 Name:
HESA Trade Center
Havapeyma Sazi Iran
Havapeyma Sazhran
Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company
Karkhanejate Sanaye Havapaymaie Iran
Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries
P.O. Box 14155-5568, No. 27 Ahahamat Aave., Vallie Asr Square, Tehran, 15946, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
P.O. Box 81465-935, Esfahan, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
P.O. Box 8140, No. 107 Sepahbod Gharany Ave., Tehran, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
P.O. Box 83145-311, 28 km Esfahan – Tehran Freeway, Shahin Shahr, Esfahan, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
Shahih Shar Industrial Zone, Isfahan, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)
95#95 Name:
Iran Aircraft Industries
96#96 Name: Abu Hurayrah
Qasim Mohamed Mahdi al-Rimi
Qassim al-Raymi
Qasim al-Rami
Qasim Yahya Mahdi ’Abd al-Rimi
Qasim Mohammed Mahdi Al Remi
Qassim Mohammad Mahdi Al Rimi
Qasim Al-Rimi
Qasim al-Raymi
Abu ’Ammar
Abu Hurayrah al-Sana’ai
Raymah village
97#97 Name: Mohamed Ould Ahmed Ould Ali
Djaafar Abou Mohamed
Abou Mouhadjir
Tayeb Nail
ﺟﻌﻔﺮ اﺑﻮ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ
اﻟﻄﯿﺐ ﻧﺎﯾﻞ
اﺑﻮ ﻣﮭﺎﺟﺮ
Faidh El Batma
Faidh El Batma Faidh El Batma
Cité Feradj Lakhdar, Sidi Bel Abbes, ALGERIA
98#98 Name: El Harrachi
Abdelali Abou Dher
Mohamed Belkalem
ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ اﺑﻮ ذر
ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺑﻠﻜﻼم
Hussein Dey, Algiers
Cité Djenane Mabrouk, Algiers, ALGERIA
99#99 Name:
Aripa tânără (Youth Wing)
Mișcarea de tineret Mujahidin
Mișcarea de tineret Mujahideen
Mișcarea Mujahidin Al-Shabaab
Tineretul (The Youth)
Mujaahidiin Youth Movement
Harakatul Shabaab Al Mujaahidiin
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujaahidiin
The Unity Of Islamic Youth
Al-Shabaab Al-Jihaad
Al-Shabaab Al-Islaam
Youth Wing
Al-Shabaab Al-Islamiya
Hisb'ul Shabaab
Hizbul Shabaab
Harakat Shabab Al-Mujahidin
Mujahidin Youth Movement
Mujahideen Youth Movement
Mujahidin Al-Shabaab Movement
The Youth
Unitatea tineretului islamic
100#100 Name: Faris Mana'a
Fares Mohammed Manaa
Fares Mohammed Mana'a