Lists of sanctions
Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 10.03.2025. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 12.03.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 24.02.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 03.03.2025.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.12 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.12 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
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Showing 3,881-3,900 of 36,231 items.
# | Name | Address | Type | List | Program | Date of publication |
3881 | Timofey Nikolaevich SERGEYTSEV Тимофей Николаевич Сергейцев | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3882 | Victoria Vitalyevna NIKIFOROVA Виктория Витальевна НИКИФОРОВА | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3883 | Aelita Leonidovna MAMAKOVA Аэлита Леонидовна Мамакова | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3884 | Dmitry Anatolyevich PEVTSOV Дмитрий Анатольевич Певцов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3885 | Victor Anatolyevich POLYAKOV Виктор Анатольевич Поляков | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3886 | Alexey Gennadievich NECHAYEV Алексей Геннадьевич Нечаев | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3887 | Aleksandr Yakovlevich SHKOLNIK Александр Яковлевич Школьник | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3888 | Alexander Sergeyevich CHEMEZOV Александр Сергеевич Чемезов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3889 | Sergey Sergeevich CHEMEZOV ЧЕМЕЗОВ Сергей Сергеевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3890 | Kirill Mikhailovich KOVALCHUK Кирилл Михайлович Ковальчук | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3891 | Mikhail Valentinovich KOVALCHUK Михаил Валентинович Ковальчук | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3892 | Boris Yurievich KOVALCHUK Борис Юрьевич Ковальчук | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3893 | Kira Valentinovna KOVALCHUK Кира Валентиновна КОВАЛЬЧУК | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3894 | Stepan Kirillovich KOVALCHUK Степан Кириллович КОВАЛЬЧУК | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3895 | Tatyana Aleksandrovna KOVALCHUK Татьяна Александровна Ковальчук | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3896 | Tatiana Aleksandrovna NAVKA Татьяна Александровна Навка | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3897 | Nikolay Dmitrievich PESKOV Николай Дмитриевич Песков | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3898 | Elizaveta Dmitrievna PESKOVA Елизавета Дмитриевна Пескова | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3899 | Olga Viktorovna SHUVALOVA Ольга Викторовна Шувалова | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3900 | Evgeny Igorevich SHUVALOV Евгений Игоревич Шувалов | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |