Lists of sanctions
Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 10.03.2025. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 05.03.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 24.02.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 03.03.2025.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.05 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.05 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
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Showing 3,201-3,220 of 36,229 items.
# | Name | Address | Type | List | Program | Date of publication |
3201 | Alexey Vladimirovich KURINNY Куринный Алексей Владимирович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3202 | Tatyana Alekseevna KUSAIKO Кусайко Татьяна Алексеевна | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3203 | Vitaly Vasilievich KUSHNAREV Кушнарев Виталий Васильевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3204 | Alexey Fedorovich LAVRINENKO Лавриненко Алексей Федорович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3205 | Dmitry Viktorovich LAMEIKIN Ламейкин Дмитрий Викторович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3206 | Yana Valerievna LANTRATOVA Лантратова Яна Валерьевна | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3207 | Evgeny Viktorovich LEBEDEV Лебедев Евгений Викторович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3208 | Oleg Alexandrovich LEBEDEV Лебедев Олег Александрович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3209 | Sergey Georgievich LEVCHENKO Левченко Сергей Георгиевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3210 | Sergey Dmitrievich LEONOV Леонов Сергей Дмитриевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3211 | Anatoly Fedorovich LESUN Лесун Анатолий Фёдорович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3212 | Ruslan Abdulvakhievich LECHKHADZHIEV Лечхаджиев Руслан Абдулвахиевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3213 | Anatoly Ivanovich LISITSYN Лисицын Анатолий Иванович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3214 | Sergey Fyodorovich LISOVSKY Лисовский Сергей Федорович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3215 | Vitaly Viktorovich LIKHACHEV Лихачев Виталий Викторович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3216 | Tatyana Georgievna LOBACH Лобач Татьяна Георгиевна | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3217 | Vyacheslav Yurievich LOGINOV Логинов Вячеслав Юрьевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3218 | Ivan Ivanovich LOOR Лоор Иван Иванович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3219 | Dmitry Nikolaevich LOTSMANOV Лоцманов Дмитрий Николаевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3220 | Andrei Konstantinovich LUGOVOY Луговой Андрей Константинович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |