Lists of sanctions
Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 10.03.2025. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 05.03.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 24.02.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 03.03.2025.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.05 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.05 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
Sanction solutions offered by Lursoft IT
Apply for Sanctions Monitoring, which provides an opportunity to monitor your customers and keep track of whether any of them are included in the sanctions list.
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Showing 3,161-3,180 of 36,229 items.
# | Name | Address | Type | List | Program | Date of publication |
3161 | Dmitry Mikhailovich KADENKOV Каденков Дмитрий Михайлович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3162 | Viktor Alekseevich KAZAKOV Казаков Виктор Алексеевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3163 | Sergei Ivanovich KAZANKOV Казанков Сергей Иванович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3164 | Rustam Galiullovich KALIMULLIN Калимуллин Рустам Галиуллович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3165 | Georgy Petrovich KAMNEV Камнев Георгий Петрович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3166 | Alexey Valerianovich KANAEV Канаев Алексей Валерианович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3167 | Timur Borisovich KANOKOV Каноков Тимур Борисович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3168 | Sergey Genrikhovich KARGINOV Каргинов Сергей Генрихович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3169 | Georgy Alexandrovich KARLOV Карлов Георгий Александрович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3170 | Anatoly Evgenievich KARPOV Карпов Анатолий Евгеньевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3171 | Andrey Valerievich KARTAPOLOV Картаполов Андрей Валериевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3172 | Igor Yurievich KASTYUKEVICH Кастюкевич Игорь Юрьевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3173 | Pavel Rurikovich KACHKAEV Качкаев Павел Рюрикович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3174 | Vladimir Ivanovich KASHIN Кашин Владимир Иванович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3175 | Ivan Ivanovich KVITKA Квитка Иван Иванович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3176 | Viktor Borisovich KIDYAEV Кидяев Виктор Борисович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3177 | Mikhail Vladimirovich KIZEEV Кизеев Михаил Владимирович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3178 | Mikhail Sergeevich KISELEV Киселёв Михаил Сергеевич | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3179 | Mikhail Leonidovich KISLYAKOV Кисляков Михаил Леонидович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |
3180 | Alexander Borisovich KOGAN Коган Александр Борисович | Russia / Russie | Individual | CANADA | Russia / Russie | 04.09.2024 |