Lists of sanctions
10.03.2025 19:36:39

Lists of sanctions

Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 10.03.2025. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 05.03.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 24.02.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 03.03.2025.

Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.05 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.03.06
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Showing 3,141-3,160 of 36,229 items.
#NameAddressTypeListProgramDate of publication
3141#3141 Name: Alexey Alexandrovich ZHURAVLEV
Журавлев Алексей Александрович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3142#3142 Name: Konstantin Yurievich ZAKHAROV
Захаров Константин Юрьевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3143#3143 Name: Viktor Vladislavovich ZUBAREV
Зубарев Виктор Владиславович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3144#3144 Name: Gennady Andreevich ZYUGANOV
Зюганов Геннадий Андреевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3145#3145 Name: Oleg Ivanovich IVANINSKY
Иванинский Олег Иванович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3146#3146 Name: Vladimir Valerievich IVANOV
Иванов Владимир Валерьевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3147#3147 Name: Maxim Anatolievich IVANOV
Иванов Максим Анатольевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3148#3148 Name: Maxim Evgenievich IVANOV
Иванов Максим Евгеньевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3149#3149 Name: Nikolai Nikolaevich IVANOV
Иванов Николай Николаевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3150#3150 Name: Boris Viktorovich IVANYUZHENKOV
Иванюженков Борис Викторович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3151#3151 Name: Irina Valentinovna IVENSKIKH
Ивенских Ирина Валентиновна
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3152#3152 Name: Leonid Grigorievich IVLEV
Ивлев Леонид Григорьевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3153#3153 Name: Viktor Alexandrovich IGNATOV
Игнатов Виктор Александрович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3154#3154 Name: Igor Nikolaevich IGOSHIN
Игошин Игорь Николаевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3155#3155 Name: Vladimir Alekseevich ILINYKH
Ильиных Владимир Алексеевич
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3156#3156 Name: Alexander Vladimirovich ILTYAKOV
Ильтяков Александр Владимирович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3157#3157 Name: Andrey Konstantinovich ISAEV
Исаев Андрей Константинович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3158#3158 Name: Vladimir Pavlovich ISAKOV
Исаков Владимир Павлович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3159#3159 Name: Dmitry Viktorovich ISLAMOV
Исламов Дмитрий Викторович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024
3160#3160 Name: Sergey Vladimirovich KABYSHEV
Кабышев Сергей Владимирович
Russia / RussieIndividualCANADARussia / Russie04.09.2024