Lists of sanctions
09.03.2025 14:51:24

Lists of sanctions

Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 26.02.2025. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 05.03.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 24.02.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 03.03.2025.

Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.05 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.02.21
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Showing 2,661-2,680 of 36,228 items.
#NameAddressTypeListProgramDate of publication
2661#2661 Name: Vadim Anatolyevich Lukashevich
Вадим Анатольевич Лукашевич
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2662#2662 Name: Dmitry Alexandrovich ZABROTSKY
Дмитрий Александрович Заброцки
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2663#2663 Name: Oleg Nikolayevich KOPYL
Олег Николаевич Копыл
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2664#2664 Name: Leonid Viktorovich KASINSKY
Леонид Викторович Касинский
Леанiд Вiктаравiч Касiнскi
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2665#2665 Name: Igor Vladimirovich MOZHILOVSKY
Игорь Владимирович Можиловский
Iгар Уладзiмiравiч Мажылоўскi
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2666#2666 Name: Sergei Anatolievich SAUTA
Сергей Анатольевич Саута
Сяргей Анатольевiч Саўта
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2667#2667 Name: Dmitri Ivanovich SUROVICH
Дмитрий Иванович Сурович
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2668#2668 Name: Ivan Josephovich BOGUSLAVSKY
Иван Иосифович Богуславский
Iван Iосiфавiч Багуслаўскi
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2669#2669 Name: Yuri Mikhailovich PEYGANOVICH
Юрий Михайлович Пейганович
Юрый Мiхайлавiч Пейгановiч
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2670#2670 Name: Alexander Ivanovich BAS
Александр Иванович Бас
Аляксандр Iванавiч Бас
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2671#2671 Name: Dmitry Leontievich BEKREN
Дмитрий Леонтьевич Бекрень
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2672#2672 Name: Vadim Evgenievich SHADURA
Вадим Евгеньевич Шадура
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2673#2673 Name: Vitaly Fridrikovich KILCHEVSKY
Виталий Фридрихович Кильчевский
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2674#2674 Name: Valery Ivanovich YANUSHKEVICH
Валерий Иванович Янушкевич
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2675#2675 Name: Sergey Nikolayevich GRINYUK
Сергей Николаевич Гринюк
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2676#2676 Name: Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich LENKEVICH
Вячеслав Александрович Ленкевич
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2677#2677 Name: Aleksandr Viktorovich NAUMENKO
Александр Викторович Науменко
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2678#2678 Name: Vladimir Vladimirovich KULAZHIN
Владимир Владимирович Кулажин
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2679#2679 Name: Aleksandr Vasilevich SHAKUTIN
Александр Васильевич Шакутин
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2680#2680 Name: Vladimir Pavlovich PEFTIEV
Владимир Павлович Пефтиев
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024