Lists of sanctions
09.03.2025 02:38:58

Lists of sanctions

Lists included in the sanctions lists and the date when the latest changes were published in structured data: The European Union - 26.02.2025. United Nations - 09.11.2024. United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) SDN - 05.03.2025., United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) NONSDN - 20.08.2024. United Kingdom - 24.02.2025., Latvian - 31.12.2019 , Canada - 03.03.2025.

Latest documents: The European Union: 2025.02.24. 2025/394, 2025.02.24. 2025/388 | Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC): 2025.03.05 | United Kingdom: 2025.03.07 | Canada: 2025.02.21
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Showing 2,601-2,620 of 36,228 items.
#NameAddressTypeListProgramDate of publication
2601#2601 Name: Ihar Butkevich
Igor Evgenevich Butkevich
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2602#2602 Name: Raman Podlineu
Roman Leonidovich Podlinev
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2603#2603 Name: Ihar Pechan
Igor Nikolaevich Pechen
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2604#2604 Name: Siarhei Novikau
Sergey Ignatovich Novikof
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2605#2605 Name: Konstantin Molostov
Konstantin Molostof
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2606#2606 Name: Igor Gutnik
Igor Nikolaevich Gutnik
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2607#2607 Name: Dmitriy Korzyuk
Dmitry Karzyuk
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2608#2608 Name: Alena Vasilevna Litvina
Елена Васильевна ЛИТВИНА
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2609#2609 Name: Aleh Heorhievich Karazei
Олег Георгиевич Каразей
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2610#2610 Name: Ruslan Khikmetavich MASHADZIYEU
Ruslan Khikmetavich MASHADZEOU, Ruslan Chikmetovič MAŠADZEV, Mashadiyev Ruslan Khikmetovich, Ruslan Khikmetovich MASHADIYEV, Belarusian: Руслан Хiкметовiч МАШАДЗЕЎ, Russian: Руслан Хикметович МАШАДИЕВ
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2611#2611 Name: Sergey Vladimirovich KARCHEVSKY
Siarhei Uladzimiravich Karcheusky, Belarusian: Сяргей Уладзiмiравiч Карчэўскi, Russian: Сергей Владимирович Карчевский
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2612#2612 Name: Svetlana Aleksandrovna BONDARENKO
Sviatlana Aliaksandrauna BANDARENKA, Belarusian: Святлана Аляксандраўна БАНДАРЭНКА, Russian: Светлана Александровна БОНДАРЕНКО
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2613#2613 Name: Roman Ivanovich BIZYUK
Raman Ivanavich BIZIUK, Belarusian: Раман Iванавiч БIЗЮК, Russian: Роман Иванович БИЗЮК
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2614#2614 Name: Andrei Romanovich TARASEVICH
Andrei Ramanavich TARASEVICH, Belarusian: Андрэй Раманавiч ТАРАСЕВIЧ, Russian: Андрей Романович ТАРАСЕВИЧ
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2615#2615 Name: Anna Mikhailovna OSIPENKO
Hanna Mikhailauna ASIPENKA, Belarusian: Ганна Мiхайлаўна АСIПЕНКА, Russian: Анна Михайловна ОСИПЕНКО
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2616#2616 Name: Sergey Vasilyevich MASLIUKOV
Russian: Сергей Васильевич Маслюков
Сяргей Васільевіч Масліавукаў
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2617#2617 Name: Yevgeny Valerievich BUBICH
Belarussian: Яўген Валер'евіч Бубіч, Russian: Евгений Валерьевич Бубич
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2618#2618 Name: Yury Ivanovich VASILEVICH
Belarusian: Юры Іванавіч ВАСІЛЕВІЧ, Russian: Юрий Иванович ВАСИЛЕВИЧ
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2619#2619 Name: Aliaksandr Uladzimirovich KARNIENKA
Aleksandr or Alexander
Alexandr Vladimirovich Karnienko, Belarusian: Александр Владимиравич КАРНИЕНКА, Russian: Александр Владимирович Карниенко or Карниенка
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024
2620#2620 Name: Andrei Siarheevich PALCHIK
Andrey Sergeevich, Belarusian: Aндрэй Сяргеевiч Пальчык, Russian : Андрей Сергеевич Пальчик
Belarus / BélarusIndividualCANADABelarus / Bélarus04.09.2024