Lists of sanctions
30.09.2024 13:14:52

MATSA (Mohandesi Toseh Sokht Atomi Company)


Type Entity
List name European Union
Programs (1) IRN
Listed (1) 30.07.2024
Decision links (2) 29.07.2024, European Union's sanctions document (EN) Download 0.34 €
01.12.2011, European Union's sanctions document (EN) Download 6.80 €

Names (2)

Full name/Name MATSA (Mohandesi Toseh Sokht Atomi Company)
Description Iranian company contracted to EU-designated Kalaye Electric Company (KEC) to provide design and engineering services across the nuclear fuel cycle
Full name/Name MATSA - Mohandesi Toseh Sokht Atomi Vállalat

Addresses (1)

Street 90 Fathi Shaghaghi Street
City Tehran
Country Iran, Islamic Republic of
Full address 90 Fathi Shaghaghi Street, Tehran, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)

Historical data

No records
Updated: 30.09.2024. 12:16
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.