Victor Alekseyevich BOYARKIN
Type | Individual |
Gender | Male |
List name | SDN (OFAC) |
Programs (2) |
Remark | (Linked To: DERIPASKA, Oleg Vladimirovich) |
Date of publication | 31.12.2019 |
Names (5)
Last name/Name | BOYARKIN |
First name/Name | Victor Alekseyevich |
Full name/Name | Victor Alekseyevich BOYARKIN |
Type | Name |
Last name/Name | BOYARKIN |
First name/Name | Viktor |
Full name/Name | Viktor BOYARKIN |
Type | Alias |
Quality | Strong |
Last name/Name | BOYARKIN |
First name/Name | Victor |
Full name/Name | Victor BOYARKIN |
Type | Alias |
Quality | Strong |
Last name/Name | BOYARKIN |
First name/Name | Victor Alekseevich |
Full name/Name | Victor Alekseevich BOYARKIN |
Type | Alias |
Quality | Strong |
Last name/Name | BOYARKIN |
First name/Name | V.A. |
Full name/Name | V.A. BOYARKIN |
Type | Alias |
Quality | Strong |
Citizenships (1)
Country | Russian Federation |
Addresses (1)
Street | #189, 20, BLD1, Generala Beloborodova |
City | Moscow |
Country | Russian Federation |
Postal code | 1 |
Region | Federal District |
Full address | #189, 20, BLD1, Generala Beloborodova, Moscow, 125222, Federal District, Russia |
Birth data (2)
Place | Meschovsk, Russia |
Country | Russian Federation |
Birthdate |
Identification documents (3)
Type | Passport: 200042334 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Type | Secondary sanctions risk:: Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR 589.201 and/or 589.209 |
Type | Passport: 642348547 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Historical data
Identification documents (1)
Status | Historical (last time active at 29.04.2022 21:15) |
Type | Additional Sanctions Information -: Subject to Secondary Sanctions |
Updated: 13.03.2025. 18:16
The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control and Canada subjects included in sanction list.