Muhammad Abd Al-Karim Al-Ghamari
Type | Individual |
Gender | Male |
List name | United Kingdom |
Programs (1) | Yemen |
Listed (1) | 10.11.2021 |
Remark | Houthi Military Chief of General Staff, plays the leading role in orchestrating the Houthis’ military efforts that are directly threatening the peace, security and stability of Yemen, including in Marib, as well as cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia. |
Names (3)
Last name/Name | Al-Ghamari |
First name/Name | Muhammad |
Second name/Name | Abd Al-Karim |
Full name/Name | Muhammad Abd Al-Karim Al-Ghamari |
Type | Primary name |
Description | (1) Major General (2) Houthi Chief of General Staff |
Last name/Name | Al-Ghamari |
First name/Name | Mohammad |
Full name/Name | Mohammad Al-Ghamari |
Type | Primary name variation |
Description | (1) Major General (2) Houthi Chief of General Staff |
Quality | Low quality |
Full name/Name | محمد عبدالكريم الغماري |
Type | Non-Latin script |
Citizenships (1)
Country | Yemen |
Addresses (1)
Country | Yemen |
Birth data (2)
Birthdate | |
Place | Izla Dhaen, Wahha District, Hajjar Governorate |
Country | Yemen |
Birthdate | |
Place | Izla Dhaen, Wahha District, Hajjar Governorate |
Country | Yemen |
Historical data
Names (4)
Status | Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Last name/Name | AL-GHAMARI |
First name/Name | MUHAMMAD |
Second name/Name | ABD AL-KARIM |
Type | Prime alias |
Description | (1) Major General (2) Houthi Chief of General Staff |
Status | Historical (last time active at 10.12.2021 05:15) |
Last name/Name | AL-GHAMARI |
First name/Name | MUHAMMAD |
Second name/Name | ABD AL-KARIM |
Type | Prime alias |
Description | Major General, Houthi Chief of General Staff |
Status | Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Last name/Name | Al-Ghamari |
First name/Name | Mohammad |
Full name/Name | Al-Ghamari Mohammad |
Type | AKA (also known as) |
Description | (1) Major General (2) Houthi Chief of General Staff |
Status | Historical (last time active at 10.12.2021 05:15) |
Last name/Name | Al-Ghamari |
First name/Name | Mohammad |
Full name/Name | Al-Ghamari Mohammad |
Type | AKA (also known as) |
Description | Major General, Houthi Chief of General Staff |
Addresses (1)
Status | Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Country | Yemen |
Full address | Yemen |
Birth data (3)
Status | Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Place | Izla Dhaen, Wahha District, Hajjar Governorate |
Country | Yemen |
Status | Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Birthdate | |
Place | Izla Dhaen, Wahha District, Hajjar Governorate |
Country | Yemen |
Status | Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Birthdate | |
Place | Izla Dhaen, Wahha District, Hajjar Governorate |
Country | Yemen |
Identification documents (1)
Status | Historical (last time active at 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Type | Further Identifiying Information: Al-Ghamari is listed for his involvement in and leadership of Houthi military campaigns that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Yemen thereby meeting the criteria for designation as laid out in Paragraph 17 of Resolution 2140 (2014). Al-Ghamari, as Houthi Military Chief of General Staff, plays the leading role in orchestrating the Houthis’ military efforts that are directly threatening the peace, security and stability of Yemen, as well as cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia. He most recently took charge of the large-scale Houthi offensive against Yemeni government-held territory in Marib governorate. The Marib offensive is exacerbating Yemen’s humanitarian crisis, as it puts approximately one million vulnerable internally displaced people at risk of being displaced yet again, lead to the deaths of civilians, and is triggering broader escalation of the conflict. |
Updated: 13.03.2025. 10:15
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